Friday, April 12, 2013

Day Six:

I've returned to keep plugging along at this effort to complete a list which will, supposedly, inspire me to write more on my blog which was the whole point of starting a write more. I used to write a lot - in fact, I was an "early blogger" keeping a very up to date and detailed blog on my Myspace account (I know... that totally dates me). I think that was circa 2004-2006. It was a good one. Anyway, I gradually lost interest in it because of my loss of interest in Myspace all together and that is one thing I lament about the Facebook format is that it does not offer a blog. Oh well, too many people are friends with me on Facebook now so I wouldn't be able to be as open and honest. Once parents and other relatives join you have to monitor yourself on that site. Mine also happens to have inlaws. Double monitoring.

Here it is Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy


I'm sure she'd kill me if she knew I posted these pics...but they make me so happy! Not because they are god-awful selfies taken for the sole purpose of seeing how weird and contorted we could make our faces, but also because they remind me of a great time. This was when I and my good friend (who shall remain nameless for fear of defamation suits) decided to live in Italy for a little over a month, just for the hell of it. We had already lived there together once (studying abroad in Perugia in 2002) and I had been back several times for additional studies abroad and travels (I was addicted. I was also broke at the end of this addiction). We were both there in Europe for different reasons and had a little over a month to kill. So we rented a room in an apartment in Rome and made absolutely zero plans. Which turned out to be awesome! My friend was a little concerned about doing this, at first. "I'm worried about getting bored!" She said. But I had a feeling that would not happen and my feeling was correct. We got ourselves into all kinds of trouble (the best kind) and I loved every minute of it. I couldn't have imagined spending that summer with nothing to do, just living La Dolce Vita, with anyone else but this girl. (This picture should prove why). Anyway...looking at this reminds me of a great friendship, a wonderful time in both our lives, and, frankly, if I'm upset it still manages to make me laugh. 

So there...take that Day 6! 

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