Friday, June 14, 2013

Day Twenty-Four:

Day 24: Something You've Learned

I've learned that moving forward is the sometimes the only thing you can do to fix a problem.

I've learned that there is so much that I don't know, and that I will never know, and the more I learn, the more I am aware of how much more there is to know.  That sounds like a tongue twister. 

I've learned that passion is a prerequisite to happiness. 

I've learned that you have to tend to friendships just as you would a garden. You can never neglect them or they will begin to wither. 

I've learned that every place has something redeeming to offer, no matter how bad you may think it is initially. 

I've learned that reading is an excellent way to induce clear thinking. So is walking or running outside. 

I've learned that animals can be the best of friends, sometimes better than humans. 

I've learned that a child's innocence, imagination and playfulness are treasures and should be kept intact for as long as possible. 

I've learned that loyalty to one's family and friends is far more important than loyalty to a political party. 

I've learned that eating well and eating amongst friends is one of the best things in life. 

I've learned that coffee in the morning can make things feel a little easier. 

I've learned that it doesn't really matter how old you feel on the inside...your body will begin to let you know how old you really are on the outside and there's nothing you can really do about it. 

I've learned that it's okay to break rules if it serves for a better purpose. 

I've learned that history repeats itself in the most moronic ways and we are constantly having to relearn the same lessons over and over again. 

I've learned that life is all about learning. Discovering your world and yourself is the point of it all. 

Photo by: Andrea Hempel

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day Twenty-Three:

Day 23: Favorite Book

AHHHHHH! Another one of these that I couldn't possibly narrow down to just one. One favorite book?? ONE??

So I'll leave you with TOP 5 (and you should know that this top 5 changes often so this is really just TOP 5 for June 2013).

1. Wild, by Cheryl Strayed

If you have not read this book, then go, run, NOW and get it. From your Library, Bookstore, or friend. I guarantee it will change you. Some thought it a bit difficult to read (difficult meaning emotional, gruesome, morbid, sad), and, yes, there are difficult parts, but you reap the rewards of getting through it when you get to the end. Trust me. I was a mess when I finished this book. So great!! In fact just talking about it has made me want to go re-read it.

2. The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz

This book helped me change my perspective on life and many of the elements in life that serve to confuse or frustrate or degrade you. It's lofty and philosophical but also very uplifting. I recommend highly. Then you can follow with the other books related to this one including The Voice of Knowledge, The Mastery of Love and various others.

3. The Kite Runner & 10,000 Splendid Suns (Tied)
 Both of these books are incredibly well written and moving. The setting and culture is so foreign and yet the emotion and humanity of the stories are universal. They are both incredible reads.

4. The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch

This book is wonderful. Uplifting, yes, but also thought provoking. From someone who is at the end of his life, looking back on what really matters most. Yea, okay. It made me cry. I'm not the only one. Geeeez, I'm tearing up just writing about it.

5. Make the Impossible Possible, Bill Strickland

I like this book because it's about an art school/trades school in Pittsburgh that I actually attended. The man who started this school overcame so many obstacles in order to make this place a success, not only for him but for his community. It's a story of perseverance and hard work and is inspiring to anyone who wants to tear down those walls of defeat and naysaying.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day Twenty-Two:

Day 22: What's in your purse?




Passport Photos, Loose Change


Monday, June 3, 2013

Day Twenty-One:

Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself... 

I'm going to preface this by saying I had to change the title based on the fact that I do not think I could, nor should, pick a favorite pic of ALL TIME simply because that's so arbitrary.

So I'll post this one simply because it represents a time in my life where I enjoyed myself so fully, felt like I came into my own and where the world was opened up to me. I was also young and yet growing into the woman I have become.

I lived in Italy at this time. I was in a novice film photography class. My friend took this picture of my and I developed it in the dark room- one of my first! Clearly it's not the best photo, and I look less than stellar (I think this was taken after a long train ride without much sleep) but I see light and life in my eyes, curiosity, excitement, and those chubby cheeks of youth (not to mention eating pizza and pasta every day!).