Monday, June 3, 2013

Day Twenty-One:

Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself... 

I'm going to preface this by saying I had to change the title based on the fact that I do not think I could, nor should, pick a favorite pic of ALL TIME simply because that's so arbitrary.

So I'll post this one simply because it represents a time in my life where I enjoyed myself so fully, felt like I came into my own and where the world was opened up to me. I was also young and yet growing into the woman I have become.

I lived in Italy at this time. I was in a novice film photography class. My friend took this picture of my and I developed it in the dark room- one of my first! Clearly it's not the best photo, and I look less than stellar (I think this was taken after a long train ride without much sleep) but I see light and life in my eyes, curiosity, excitement, and those chubby cheeks of youth (not to mention eating pizza and pasta every day!).

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