Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day One:

Day 1: Introduction, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

Hello there! My name is Andrea. Here is a recent photo of yours truly: 

This photo was taken in Costa Rica, at the Pacuare River Lodge. If you like adventure and nature and good friendly people, I highly recommend this place. It’s one of the most remote places I have been to. No roads lead to the lodge, it is only accessible via the river, and much of it is white water rafting. But anyway, I digress. This isn’t about Pacuare River Lodge now is it?

I am 30 years old and will turn the big 3-1 on December 6 of this year. Hey that’s in a few days! Yikes! 31 feels different. Last year I made a huge deal about what I was going to do on my 30th birthday and how it was going to be different from any other year and you know what? It was not any different. In fact it was a little uneventful. I went to work, a place where I had just started, and no one knew it was my birthday. And I brought donuts to share in the office but no one was there when I left them so no one really knew who had brought them in or why. And then I just felt weird going around telling everyone it was my birthday. Like, “Good morning! It’s my birthday by the way. Today. My birthday. And I’m the big 3-0. So… yeah. Just go ahead and be extra nice to me today, all day. Mmmkay?”

Oh geez I digress again!

Talking about oneself is never easy…

Maybe it will be easier just to list facts. Here are 15 of them. I feel like this is a magazine post. I feel famous. I’m excited.

1. I am a Sagittarius. That makes me a fire sign. This is a brief snippet about the Sag. I think it rings true somewhat:

“The Sag's philosophical, broad-minded approach to life motivates them to wander far and wide in the search for the meaning of life. Extroverted, optimistic, and enthusiastic, it can be almost impossible to keep the Sagittarian down. They love change. In fact, change is essential for this sign to feel their best.”

2. I just got married this past summer to a lovely man named Chris. That makes me feel a little grown up, and I still haven’t gotten used to that idea.

3. I was a competitive gymnast until age 14. I dropped out because of the intense training and also because I didn’t think I was progressing fast enough to make it to the Olympics. Sadly, in gymnastics, 14 is seen as pretty close to over-the-hill status.

4. I was Lieutenant of our Dance/Drill Team, the Lake Travis Cavalettes for my Junior and Senior year. I thought about trying out for Captain but didn’t because one of my best friends, Laura, whom I had shared this entire dance team experience with, had wanted that position so badly and it would’ve meant running against her. I wasn’t necessarily afraid of defeat, but I didn’t want the competition between us. It would’ve been cool to be co-captains but that wasn’t an option.

5. I hate people’s obsession with cell phones. I hate that people expect you to be reachable at all times and that we are ok with that. I hate that now cell phones have so much on them to entertain us that it totally disengages us from life. I think it might be one of the worst things to happen to mankind. Yes, I feel that strongly about it.

6. I studied abroad 3 separate times in college. Twice to Italy and once to London. Then I went back and traveled around Europe solo, spending much of that time working and living in Italia. I’m kind of obsessed with that place. I think their view of life is very refreshing. I wish I could’ve been born there.

7. I speak Italian. Parlo Italiano abbastanza bene. Pero, quando sono stata in Italia, molti anni fa, parlavo meglio di adesso. Adesso non parlo bene solo perche non ci sono molti italiani in Pittsburgh. Peccato. Ma, communque... Boh.

8. I’m also pretty good at picking up most other languages. Some may call me a linguaphile. I’m pretty sure I’ve been called that. I’m almost 95% sure that is an actual word.

9. I love animals. I have worked for animals shelters and also volunteered at the Humane Society. I am constantly conflicted, however, because I tried to be a vegetarian and I became anemic. So I continue to feel shameful whilst continuing to eat meat. It’s a vicious cycle and one that I really want to break.

10. I was a Kindergarten teacher. I actually have taught several other grades (mostly primary, preschool aged) but Kindergarten was my absolute favorite. I would still be a teacher now if it were not for the fact that Pittsburgh schools don’t hire new, non-union teachers. Or that’s my explanation to why I haven’t gotten a job in 2 years being here. Can’t wait to return to Texas or any other state that I will be able to work in. I miss it SOOOOO much!

11. I’m from Austin, Texas born and raised. How many people in Austin are actually natives? Not too many. I’ve seen it go through a lot of changes, that city, and I can’t say I’m digging the new Austin, but that’s what any old native would complain about.

12. I learned to sail when I was 11 years old. I sailed my first regatta when I was 12. I never won any because my boat would always flip over, being that I only weighed 80 pounds. The closest I got to winning was on a day that the wind was completely dead.

13. I love surprises and love being surprised. My dad spoiled me with surprises growing up. But that’s why he’s the best! My husband laments that the bar has been set way too high for him. He just has to learn how to jump higher. He was a high jumper in high school, after all.

14. I love physical activity…running, Crossfit, yoga, dance, biking, hiking…these are a few of my favorite things.

15. I can pretty much recite the entire move, Dumb and Dumber.

Ta da! Done with Day One! I’m on a roll!!!

Stay tuned for Day Two…hopefully I can crank it out. It might be hard these next few days what with meetings at work (my usual blogging location) or birthdays (two days…) but I’ll try my best!

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