Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day Two:

Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name

Hello! I know I skipped a day…

Day two’s challenge is going to be a bit more complicated I feel.

Or perhaps it will not?

Where do I start? What’s in a name? A name is but a name…a rose is but a rose…if by any other name…is that how it goes?

This is a time when I feel like going to make a new cup of coffee. And that leads me to my blog name. “Someone Left the Coffee Pot On”.

I guess back when I started this blog I was kind of a caffeine fiend and that was mostly due to the fact that I was in the last year of grad school and the last part of grad school involved a lot of research and writing and presentations. So, I suppose my constant companion, Coffee, became like a close friend, and in light of that I named my blog after her. (She seems like a her, maybe because she makes me want to talk a lot, especially gossipy talk).

I wasn’t really sure where I wanted this blog to go, and to be perfectly honest, I’ m still not sure where this blog is headed. The only thing driving its direction right now is the need to keep up with this 30 day challenge. If there is one thing I’m good at accepting it is challenges. And flatulence. I have to accept that because I live with a man.

Now that I’ve got you here, intrigued by my talk of caffeine and flatulence, I want to speak for a moment on coffee. I feel a tiny discourse about the nectar of the gods is relevant due to its presence in the name of my blog. I’ll make it short though because I am, in fact, overdue for my second cup and one thing you must know about writing and coffee is that the two go hand-in-hand. Literally. I have one hand holding on to my coffee mug for dear life as I speedily type these words with the other one.


I’ve read somewhere that some of the oldest people in the world have drank a cup of coffee, or two, for all their lives. I like this idea, I think they are on to something. I know there is a whole faction of people out there who claim that caffeine wreaks havoc on your system, and that being dependent on a substance every morning is clinical addiction. But…there are some people who claim they can’t get through a day without starting it off with a smile and whistling a tune and no one ever bothers to call them out. And as far as actual harm to your body, there is no hardcore evidence to support that. I’m not saying it’s prolonging your life either. I’m just defending my friend, Coffee, for being exactly what it is. A friend. Someone who is there, with warmth and comfort and offering you a bit of pep in your step.

Thus concludes Day Two: Someone Left the Coffee Pot On. Answers to your deepest questions…why? Why?

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