Monday, July 29, 2013

Day Thirty:

Day 30: A picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge!

5 Good Things From This Challenge:

1. I have (kind of) been more regular with posting to my blog. The point was to become regular about writing on a blog, to set aside time to do it, and the prompts were to give something that was easy to write about. And, I think it did just that. When I look at how many entries I had before starting the challenge, as opposed to after, it's pretty clear that it helped me. Did I actually do it in 30 consecutive days? No. Not even close. Something to work on!

2. I learned about posting quick photos to blog posts and that it makes it more interesting to read when there are pictures attached. 

3. I have gotten more creative with my pictures since learning that the pictures are worth 1000 words and good pictures are worth even more than that!

4. I have discovered new and interesting things about my city since trying to write about it. It has led me on adventures and trying to see my new city through a new lens. 

5. Writing, I have found, is therapeutic. I am ready to accept a far more intimate challenge next. Perhaps this quest will lead me to start writing without a challenge having to be put in place! (New Goals)

Me, today


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