Monday, July 22, 2013

Day Twenty-Seven:

Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in...

Houston, Texas
Photo by Andrea Hempel

Houston, Texas - "A Work in Progress"

Houston may not be pretty- but they are working on it. My husband and I just spent the past weekend biking all around our city. We were able to bike to the movies, to restaurants, bars and parks. Yea...there is some work to do. Bike paths need to be better connected and better protected. Parks need to be cleaned up and communities could use some "beautification" so to speak. But, as I passed this scene, I realized there is hope. There are positive changes being made. I passed several community gardens popping up in places near downtown (downtown, by the way, an area that has historically been deemed "unlivable" for much of the past few decades). We passed signs that displayed plans for future parks, trails, bike paths and improved waterways. I'm excited that this is the direction the city is headed. I just wish it could've been started sooner. But...better late than never! 

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