Monday, May 20, 2013

Day Fifteen:

Day 15: Favorite quote

There are, of course, many favorite quotes of mine and it really would depend on the day and what is going on in my life at the time. That being said, here is what has become a favorite recently:

"Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education." - Martin Luther King, Jr. 

I think this quote resonates with me because I value education and prioritize it with the highest of priorities. I also think this is something we are currently struggling with in our education system. We spend a lot of time testing and re-testing and teaching to take the test and less and less time is spent on teaching how to be a better person.

I spend quite a bit of time teaching my little ones in class the values of being honest, doing good work, being polite and being compassionate. There is no test on these subjects but I think without this type of education, students enter the world with an incomplete education. What use is a person who can rattle off facts or do advanced computations if they can't relate to the people working around them? If they can't see a problem in society and want to use their knowledge to make something better or improve some way of life? Isn't that what education is for?

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