Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day Thirteen:

Day 13: Goals

Lucky thirteen...Goals. 

This is a topic that constantly haunts me. Mostly because I have a list that is a million pages long with ideas that are continually being added, modified, restated and re-prioritized. Also because I have a slight attention problem (I won't go there with the whole self-diagnosing of a clinical label...but let's just say I'm chasing one butterfly after another and they all seem to be zipping around simultaneously). Needless to say, trying to pin down one of these butterflies and really attack it (that sounds vicious...maybe I should've used a different analogy) well, it's been a little difficult. I've tried over and over again to really hone in on my likes, dislikes, aptitudes and preferences in hopes that through this paring down I could find super success in just a couple things. Or even just one thing. Just one thing, I ask! 

So, in case you are still curious, here are my goals. I'm trying to put them in some kind of order of priority but just know it's a wishy-washy ordering system. 


1. Own a house one day 
2. Have a garden that produces not only the majority of our fruits and vegetables, but also useful herbs and beautiful flowers. (I very much enjoy being outside in the garden)
3. Have a dog or two of my own. (There are sub-goals within this category that include rescuing a dog, training a dog to do awesome tricks, go on hikes/runs with my dog,win a cutest dog ever contest, etc). 
4. Start a running club for my elementary school
5. Have a mildly successful photography business on the side
6. Have some sort of job that will take me to Italy every summer (hey! If you dream it, it can become!)
7. Start weekly teacher lunch reward for my class (because hanging out with me is free and possibly the best incentive to good behavior EVER!)
8. Have a cool, cute, smart little family (someday)
9. Be able to give speeches without getting so nervous! (I'm a teacher but that doesn't mean I don't get stage fright in front of adults).
10. Write a book.
11. Have more people read my blog (I suppose I should find interesting things to write about first...working on that)
12. Be an extra in a movie or be a minor part in a cheesy commercial. (Sometimes those look like the most fun gigs ever!)
13. Teach English abroad, even if it is just one time to try it. I've always wanted to do that. 
14. Do a meaningful volunteer project somewhere (rebuilding or renovating homes, caring for sick, elderly, poor or little children, educating, just being a good ambassador). 
15. Host a foreign exchange student.
16. Adopt. 
17. Have backyard chickens and use their eggs.
18. Learn how to cook 5 great meals well enough to never have to look at the directions. 
19. Have an Italian rental property with mia grande amica, Alissa. 
20. Run a marathon (everyone wants to say they've run a marathon).
21. Bike the Great Allegheny Passage
22. Go to Alaska to see whales.
23. Teach dance classes or open up my own dance studio.
24. Work with some organization promoting female empowerment that provides resources, camps, classes, activities for girls. Or start my own. Either or. 
25. Be on Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy. 
26. Travel to every continent
27. Go on an African safari.
28. Get certified to teach yoga.
29. Play an open mic night somewhere (with my ukelele and me). Even if it's just one time. 
30. See this place: Blue Rock Station
31. Meet any or all of these people and get to actually talk to them: 
  • Ellen Degeneres, Amy Schumer, Barack Obama, Maya Angelou, Elizabeth Gilbert, Cheryl Strayed, Natalie Portman, Johnny Depp, Willie Nelson, Conan O'Brian
32. Be pretty good at playing the piano. (Know at least 10 songs to play well).
33. Visit the Florida Keys
34. Go to an EcoRetreat
35. Have a house in Costa Rica (retirement?)
36. Teach my children Italian, musical instruments, geography, manners, cooking and love
37. Travel the world with my family
38. Be the best teacher in the world!
39. Start a Book Club (or join an awesome one)
40. Go to this place: ChicaBrava
41. Exhibit art work.
42. Have a food critique blog
43. Make coffee table photo book
44. Make or participate in one semi-watched you tube video
45. Be there for friends and family when last goal is just to be a better friend, teacher, wife, sister, daughter and person

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